Kent Situ

A space to keep track of updates and bug fixes for this website.

Added sitemap and updated favicon

August 23, 2024
  • Added sitemap.ts file.
  • Fixed sizing issue for favicon.

Bug fix and package manager update

July 07, 2024
  • Fix infinite scroll bug in Bookmarks tab.
  • Change package manager from npm to pnpm.

Next.js 14

December 24, 2023
  • Updated from Next.js 13 to 14.
  • Fixed some bugs and made content changes.

Table of contents and clock

July 16, 2023
  • Table of contents now opens with a button, defaults to close.
  • Adjusted spacing for sidebar and table of contents.
  • Added digital clock and reworded home page.

Dynamic open graph (og) images and infinite scroll

June 17, 2023
  • Used @vercel/og to dynamically populate title and description of Writing post in og image.
  • Updated bookmarks page with infinite scroll.

Portfolio 2.0

May 23, 2023

Updated to Next.js 13.4 (still some bugs, but usable). Redesigned layout and updated elements.

  • Navbar moved to the left side, along with a fixed body area for content - responsive for mobile.
  • Design section has expandable tabs (Work & Projects) — experimental feature for now.
  • Added fixed table of contents for Work & Project pages.
  • Renamed Notes to Writing, Bookmarks and Changelog gets individual tabs, added Snippets tab.
  • Bookmarks tab is work in progress.
  • Added draft page for work in progress pieces for Writing page.
  • Updated button, dark theme, and code block styling.

Added Projects tab and updated styles

April 14, 20233
  • Added a Projects tab in the navbar to keep work and side projects separate.
  • Updated the styling for the navbar and each of its tabs. Made it more consistent across each page.
  • Added title of the tab name, along with a short description.

Minor bug fixes and updates

January 07, 2023
  • Fixed dark mode border bug.
  • Fixed hover bug in Safari.
  • Fixed home page scroll issue.
  • Added video inside iPhone mockup component for mdx files.
  • Updated Notes page with masonry layout.

Website is live

January 01, 2023

Built using Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Typescript, Contentlayer and hosted on Vercel.