Portfolio Website

Redesigned and built a responsive portfolio website.


May 23, 2023 — Recently redesigned and updated the website.

I redesigned my portfolio website after a lot of procrastination. I learned and used Next.js and Tailwind CSS to build the website. I wrote about why I moved away from website builders to building my own website here. I also wrote about the idea behind the design layout below. There will likely be new features in the future, but for now I think it's at a good place.

The navigation menu sticks to the top. When a scroll action occurs, it splits from the background and pins a 60px bar at the top. When clicked on, my name goes back to the home page. I don't expect this action to occur often.

There's three different categories: work, notes, and about. And also a light/dark mode icon theme switch. When hovered/active, there's a rounded rectangle background. On mobile, the three categories disappear and a hamburger menu takes its place. The hamburger menu slides out with the three categories.

Navigation Bar


It acts as a landing page, where I can display whatever message I want to convey. It lets visitors know what to expect, when navigating my website. There's also a CTA button that goes to my work. I wanted these two sections to be the entire focal point of the home page. A direct message that's straight to the point.

Home page


A message at the top to summarize my design work. The cards split in the middle with a side of text and a cover photo. The text explains the project and the cover photo to give a visual of the work. When hovered, the card background of the text side changes color depending on the theme.

At the bottom of the page, there's pages. The reasoning behind this feature was that, I wanted my 4 best pieces of work to be in the front. But I also wanted to display previous work that made the cut.

Work page


This is a new section that I added recently. It's a way to seperate my work from my projects. Similar layout to the Work page.

Projects page


Similar layout to the work page. It uses a masonry layout, which Pinterest popularized. Some notes might have shorter or longer summaries. I thought going with a responsive design like the masonry layout keeps it clean and adaptive. Might add a search bar in the future.

Notes page


An information dump page for me to tell my story. For what it does, it's fine for now. Not sure if I'm going to redesign or add more to it.

Notes page


The design is also responsive. The mobile nav is a slide out menu. The cards for the work, notes, and projects page shrinks to one card in a vertical format.

Home screen
Nav screen
Work screen
Notes screen